
Hello world! Or should I say hello blogosphere? I'm starting this little blog up in anticipation of my Etsy shop, CinderLisaDesign. We're not live just yet, but oh am I excited! I've been working on some things so I can have a few different sorts of pieces available when I open shop.

What can you expect to see at CinderLisaDesign?

  • Knitted Art Shawls!
  • Neck and wrist-warmers!
  • Scarves? Why not!
  • Raw-edge fabric art—one thing I'm most looking forward to!
  • And hopefully soon, hand-bound journals! This is something I would love to learn how to do, and I'll be experimenting a bit. :)
I can't wait to go live, honestly. You have no idea. All my life I've had wonderful fabrics and things available to me and haven't had the time (due to school) to play with them to the full extent that I've wished, and that, really, is what I'm most looking forward to. I love Etsy, and I want to bring some quality work there. To become a part of that community, fully, as a seller as well as a buyer? Will be such an honor.



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